Tag: taijiquan

The Method of Achieving Perfect Clarity in Taiji

0 commentsTaiji Classicskung fumartial artstai chitai chi quantaijitaijiquan

太極指明法 The Method of Achieving Perfect Clarity in Taiji: 用勁不對,不用力不對,綿而有剛對,丢不對,頂不對,不丢不頂對,沾不對,不沾不對,不即不離對,浮不對,重不對,輕靈鬆沈對,胆大不對,胆小不對,胆要壯而心要細對,打人不對,不打人不對,將敵治心服對。 Using energy [Jin] is not correct; Not using strength [Li] is not correct; To be soft but hard is correct.   Leaning away is not correct; Butting in is not correct; Not leaning away and not butting in is correct.   Sticking is not correct; ….  Read More

Four Word Secret Formula (四字秘訣 武禹襄)

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by Wu Yu Xiang – Translation Steffan de Graffenried 敷 覆者,运气于己身,敷布彼劲之上,使不得动也。 To Spread (Fu) – Utilize the Qi in your body, spread it over the opponent’s Jin so that he cannot move. 蓋 盖者,以气盖彼来处也。 To Cover (Gai) – Utilize Qi to cover the point of the opponent’s incoming attack. 對 对者,以气对彼来处,认定准头而去也。 To Confront (Dui) – ….  Read More

Grandmaster Tony Yang 楊曉東

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Xiao Dong (Tony) Yang was born and raised in Taiwan. He has been studying martial arts for over 40 years. His specialties include Bajiquan, Northern Praying Mantis, Taijiquan, Xing Yi Quan, and Baguazhang. He began studying at age 6 under the instruction of his uncle, a martial arts master. He learned Northern Shaolin and three-section ….  Read More

Shifu Jamie Hooper

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Shifu Jamie Hooper began his martial arts career in 1971 after seeing Bruce Lee in what was released in the US as “The Chinese Connection” (we now know that the labels were accidentally switched at the factory with “Fists of Fury”). In 1971 North Alabama offered little in the way of martial arts variety, so ….  Read More

Adam Mizner

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Adam Mizner teaches Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan, in the tradition of Huang Sheng Shyan and Yang ShouHou. Adam has also dedicated many years to the in depth study of Daoism, western Hermetics and the Buddha dhamma, and is a senior lay student of Ajahn Jumnien in the Thai Forest tradition of Theravada Buddhism. This ….  Read More